Thursday, December 26, 2019

Cumming Sandy Springs Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC – For remarkable customer service plus solutions that are competitively priced, choose Cumming Locksmith, LLC in Sandy Springs, Georgia.

Call for:

  • Key extraction
  • Lock repairs
  • Ignition cylinder replacement
  • Auto alarm services
  • Crash bar
  • Installation of new locks
  • Duplicating keys
  • Keyless remotes
  • Video surveillance
  • Intercom systems
  • Emergency lockout assistance

Our rates for the products and solutions we offer in Sandy Springs can’t be beat. Cumming Locksmith, LLC cares about your satisfaction and we believe in charging fair rates. Those in Sandy Springs, GA can call for locksmith services at their convenience.

We appreciate this area – Sandy Springs, Georgia is a great place and we want to keep it this way. We do our part by providing top lock and security services.

CALL OUR EXPERTS TODAY: (770) 824-3934


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Monday, December 9, 2019

Cumming Locksmith, LLC: Importance of Having Gun Safe

Cumming Residential Locksmith
Cumming Residential Locksmith

A great deal of responsibility comes along with weapon ownership. There are risks to having a gun or a weapon if the owner or someone else does not handle it properly. Imagine what could happen if your gun ended up in the wrong hands – it’s something you don’t want to think about, but you must consider that if it is not properly stored, it’s a possibility. Responsible people want to protect their guns, and depending on where you live, there are very specific regulations as to how your gun needs to be stored. You need to be safe and one way to do this is to have a safe. Cumming Locksmith, LLC serves customers in Cumming, Georgia and is here for anyone in need of a gun safe. We hope that no matter where you are, you will find this information to be useful.

Why is it important to have a gun safe?

A gun safe is important for plenty of reasons. But we will start with some of the basics which will hopefully convince you that it is a wise idea to get a gun safe to store your weapon. Let’s start with break-ins. Unfortunately, no matter where you live, this is something that can happen. Even in the wealthiest neighborhood in America, break-ins and theft do happen. You don’t want a criminal to walk into your home and grab your gun, which is a sure possibility if it is sitting out in the open where they can see it. Your gun must be locked away, for example, in a safe, so the only person who can access it is you. Popular options for safes include fingerprint safes and keyless safes. Why? Because they allow quick access to the rightful owner, and they are very convenient to use.

It’s important to ensure your gun stays away from a potential criminal. But you also could have children and in this case you will want to keep the gun away from them, too. Children are not necessarily old enough to understand the magnitude of what a gun can do. They could pick it up and think it’s a toy, or they could accidentally mishandle it. This is not something anyone wants to have to experience, so the best thing to do is to keep the gun away from them to begin with by ensuring it stays locked up. Of course, some parents want to teach their kids how to properly handle a weapon – either way, no matter what your beliefs are, the gun should be kept out of reach when you are not there to supervise children.

Gun Safes for Responsible Owners

A gun safe is representative of responsible gun ownership. Of course, it is your second amendment right to have a gun. So many are against gun ownership, but many if not all seem to agree that common sense gun laws are very important. You need to demonstrate common sense and responsibility with your gun, and having a safe to store it in will help you to do this.


Read more on: Cumming Locksmith, LLC: Importance of Having Gun Safe

Article source here: Cumming Locksmith, LLC: Importance of Having Gun Safe

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cumming Roswell Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC – For quick, reasonably priced, dependable, and high quality locksmith services, Cumming Locksmith, LLC is the locksmith service you are going to want to hire in Roswell, Georgia.

Ask about:

  • Lock repairs
  • Creating and duplicating keys
  • Keyless remotes
  • Key extraction
  • Intercom systems
  • Ignition cylinder replacement
  • Installation of new locks
  • Auto alarm services
  • Crash bar/push bar
  • Video surveillance
  • Emergency lockout assistance
  • Change of locks


CALL US TODAY: (770) 824-3934


Since Cumming Locksmith, LLC offers specialized locksmith services, you can trust that our experts have undergone some serious training and are licensed to be able to provide you with said specialized services.


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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Is a Garage Door Lock Really Necessary

Cumming Residential Locksmith

If you want to keep intruders out of your house we would definitely suggest that you have a lock placed on your garage door if you have an attached garage. If you have a detached garage that you keep valuables in, such as seasonal items, electronics, vehicles, or anything else of value, you would want to have a lock placed on it. Cumming Locksmith LLC in Cumming, GA has installed thousands of garage door locks for various reasons. Even though there are some garage doors that come standard with locking mechanisms there are still some that do not. If you want to protect your valuables and your family, a garaged door lock isn’t a bad idea. In fact, when we bring it to the attention of the homeowner’s in Cumming, GA they are often very appreciative of the suggestion. If you would like to know what type of locks we install most often, continue reading.


Locks Installed Most Often


Deadbolt Locks

We often install deadbolt locks on the door between the home and the garage to ensure that no one is able to get inside your home. Deadbolt locks are the most durable types of locks on the market and that is why they are often seen as the most popular. We can’t imagine that there is anyone who hasn’t heard of a deadbolt lock or who hasn’t used one at some point. There are single cylinder locks and double cylinder locks. The single cylinder lock is the one that is used most often. This is because only one key is needed to unlock it, whereas, a double cylinder deadbolt lock requires that there is a key to unlock both sides of the lock. Also, the reason that so many people use them is because the deadbolt lock also acts as a deterrent against intruders. This is because most burglars will not take the time to try to break through a deadbolt lock; it simply takes up too much time. They risk being discovered while in the process of trying to break in. This is also why having this type of lock installed on any door is such a good idea.


Side Bolt Lock

The side bolt lock is placed on the track of your garage door. This is a very popular lock installed along the track of garage doors. Since it is not seen from the outside a burglar wouldn’t know that it even exists. This means that they are unable to try to break it to gain access. A side bolt lock has a receiving slot and a bolt. The bolt must be able to go into the slot in order to secure the door and prevent entry. This will prevent anyone from the outside from getting inside. This is the lock that our locksmiths often recommend to those who are looking for better security for their home. It is a practical and affordable option.


Some people have had to find out the hard way that not every lock offers the same level of security. If you’re trying to determine which types of locks are better than others then consult with a locksmith with years of experience to steer you in the right direction. You shouldn’t think that just because you are familiar with a specific brand that the locks they produce are any better than the locks produced by a brand that you are unfamiliar with.


Read more on: Is a Garage Door Lock Really Necessary

Article source here: Is a Garage Door Lock Really Necessary

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Benefits of Owning a Home Safe

Cumming Residential Locksmith
Cumming Residential Locksmith

Are you thinking about purchasing a home safe for you and your family? If you are on the fence or still have questions regarding owning a home safe, the following article will help clarify the benefits and encourage you to examine whether or not a home safe is the right choice for you and your family. There are many reasons why you might choose to buy a safe, so think of any other additional uses you may have for a home safe as you read through the most common perks of owning a home safe. The kind of safe you buy, along with the size, shape and other features, will be important as you will want your family to utilize your safe many years. Consider if you will need more space in your safe in the future or will need other features down the line that are not necessarily needed now. As you read through the following perks, consider what features appeal most to you and your family’s needs.

Fire Protection

Most safes come made with fire-proof or fire-resistant materials. This can be critical in helping protect your most important documents, photos, assets, and other items. In the event of a fire or accident, you will know that your items will remain protected. A lot of families prefer to store certain personal information in safe and having fire protection is part of the reason why. Social security and tax documents, for example, may be incredibly important, but not useful every day. Having them kept safe in a fire resistance safe can guarantee that they last for years, if not several decades. If you are concerned about fires or any sort of accident potentially destroying your family documents and paperwork, be sure to invest in a safe that is fire proof and built to withstand high heat and fire conditions.

Water Resistance

Similar to fire resistance, most safes are built to be leak proof and also resist moisture. If you live in a climate that is particularly humid, will be storing the safe in a room that tends to gather humidity, or have other concerns such as potential flooding, ensuring your safe is water and moisture proof is a good idea. It is recommended that you work with a local locksmith to see what they would suggest for your particular location, as well as what has worked for residents in the area most successfully in the past. Be sure to call a locksmith if you have any questions or concerns about the environmental effects on the safe itself or the items in your safe. They will be able to give you the most accurate and helpful information to help you narrow down the best safe for you and your family.

Theft Protection

Storing jewelry, money and other small items that are vulnerable to theft is the best way to make sure they remain in your hands. Leaving such items out in the open may make thieves more likely to target your home. If you own a safe, you are taking a valuable and important step to help deter thieves. Not only are the items hidden out of sight and make it so they cannot be viewed by outsiders, but a safe also make it impossible for someone to take your items.


Read more on: Benefits of Owning a Home Safe

Article source here: Benefits of Owning a Home Safe

Monday, September 30, 2019

Cumming East Cobb Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC – Cumming Locksmith, LLC has locksmiths who provide:

  • Emergency lockout assistance
  • Lock repairs
  • Creating and duplicating keys
  • Auto alarm services
  • Keyless remotes
  • Change of locks
  • Installation of new locks
  • Video surveillance
  • Key extraction for broken keys
  • Panic devices
  • Ignition cylinder replacement

When you need a locksmith, Cumming Locksmith, LLC is the place to turn.

If you need a locksmith in East Cobb, GA, Cumming Locksmith, LLC is a place you can trust to value your security and recognize that it is significant. Give us a chance to serve you. Rest assured, you are going to be glad that you gave us a chance to improve your security.


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Article source here: Cumming East Cobb Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Ignition Cylinder Problems

Our vehicles are made up of various components and parts. There are some parts of your vehicle that you may be more familiar with than others. Sometimes, you know exactly what the problem is, but other times you may find yourself puzzled as to where to even begin if your vehicle is not functioning properly. One particular small, but very important part of your car can cause some problems if it is not working. This piece is known as your vehicle’s ignition cylinder or ignition switch.

Your ignition cylinder sits on the driver’s side of the vehicle, usually near or on the steering wheel column on the right-handside. When you see your ignition cylinder in your car, you will likely only see the top of the cylinder itself. The cylinder is comprised of a flat, rounded top with a slot in the center where you insert your key, with the cylindrical part of the switch being kept out of sight within the steering wheel column. Because it is kept out of sight, many do not often think of their ignition cylinder as being the source of the problem when experiencing vehicle issues.

Potential ignition cylinder issues
There are several indicators and symptoms your vehicle will exhibit if your car’s ignition switch is not working properly. Remember not to panic if you are experiencing any of the following vehicle conditions and know that if your ignition cylinder is the problem, they can be easily fixed and replaced.
  • Your car will not start
There are several reasons why your car’s engine will not turn on. For example, you may experience engine, transmission or battery issues that could cause your vehicle to not respond when you insert and turn your key. Your ignition cylinder may also be responsible for this symptom. A faulty, damaged or worn-out ignition cylinder will not properly turn on the car. If you are unable to start your vehicle, consider that your ignition cylinder may be to blame.
  • Your car stalls
Similarly, if your car will turn on, but then stalls or eventually turns off, your ignition switch may be the source of the problem. If the cylinder is slipping, the will commonly cause the car to stall. The cylinder may be able to temporary hold the key in place and keep the engine on, but if it is worn out it may eventually fail while you are driving or trying to turn on your car and cause it to stall.
  • Your car’s electronic system will not turn on
If you are unable to get any response from your vehicle, this could also signal an issue with your car’s ignition cylinder. Typically, you can twist your key in the cylinder once or for half a turn and the electric panels in your car will light up and respond. You may be able to turn on your lights or your car’s radio without necessarily turning on the engine. If you fail to get a response, your ignition cylinder could be to blame.

How to solve ignition cylinder issues
If you are facing one of the above scenarios and you suspect that your ignition cylinder is to blame for your vehicle’s issues, there are a couple things that you can and should do to resolve the problem

Read more on: Ignition Cylinder Problems

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cumming Ignition Change Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC – When you’re looking for someone to help provide you with locksmith services in Cumming, GA, rely on the preferred services of Locksmith in Cumming.

When you have locked your keys in the car, one of the first things that you might do is panic. Rather than panic, just call up our locksmiths. We have the best and most talented team of locksmiths in the industry working with us. Our locksmiths receive professional training and they know how to address even the most challenging automotive locksmith issues. You don’t have to worry about being stranded for too long, as our locksmiths are immediately dispatched to wherever you are. You don’t have to wait around when you call on the services of our locksmiths because they don’t waste time getting you the help that you need. When you need an automotive locksmith any time of the day or night, give us a call. We provide our services to motorists 24-hours a day.


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Article source here: Cumming Ignition Change Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Cumming Emergency Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC – Residents and business owners in the Cumming, Georgia area know that they can always rely on one particular locksmith whenever they need immediate or emergency locksmithing services. Cumming Locksmith, LLC is the number one emergency locksmith in the area, thanks to our around-the-clock services. For our clients in Cumming and other cities in the area, we are always happy to provide the following services any time, day or night:

  • 24-hour locksmithing repairs and replacements
  • Emergency Lock changes
  • Re-keying requests
  • Mobile locksmithing services offered 24/7
  • Residential and commercial locksmithing emergencies
  • Broken key extractions
  • Break-in repairs
  • Certified and professional locksmiths always on-call

Any residents or visitors passing through the area that need an expert locksmith to help them get back into their vehicle, replace a lost set of keys, or perform other vehicle lock and key related tasks can always call us at (770) 824-3934.


Watch on YouTube: Cumming Emergency Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC

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Article source here: Cumming Emergency Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC

Friday, August 9, 2019

Cumming Automotive Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC

Our mobile, local professionals offer everything you need and we invite you to check out our website to learn more about us –


Automotive Locksmith – Cumming, GA

  • Trunk unlocking
  • High-security sidewinder
  • Ignition change
  • Replacement of ignition cylinder
  • Transponder key programming and duplication
  • Opening of car doors
  • Lockout Help
  • Broken key extraction
  • Steering wheel locks
  • Smart keys

Reach out to our experts if you have any questions or concerns for us. We want to make sure you have what you need and are satisfied. We are looking forward to serving you with top auto options!


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Article source here: Cumming Automotive Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC

Monday, July 15, 2019

24/7 Cumming Locksmith Services in Georgia | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC – Cumming Locksmith, LLC is the go-to locksmith provider when locals want an automotive locksmith they can trust. Cumming Locksmith, LLC is the place to call for:

  • High-security sidewinder
  • Steering wheel locks
  • Trunk unlocking
  • Lockout Help
  • Transponder key programming and duplication
  • Broken key extraction
  • Smart keys
  • Opening of car doors
  • Ignition change

Cumming Locksmith, LLC urges you to reach out so you can take advantage of your free consultation. That’s right, we answer all of your questions for free and with no obligation whatsoever. We know you will love our services, which is why we offer a satisfaction guarantee. We are here to make sure everything is done right. It is important to give us a chance and to consider the perks of hiring an automotive locksmith. Cumming motorists can avoid spending a fortune at a mechanic when the problem circles around locks and keys.


Watch on YouTube: 24/7 Cumming Locksmith Services in Georgia | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC

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Article source here: 24/7 Cumming Locksmith Services in Georgia | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Hundreds of popular cars ‘at risk of keyless theft’

Hundreds of popular cars - including four of the five best-selling models in the UK - are susceptible to "keyless theft", new research claims.


Consumer group Which? found the Ford Fiesta, Volkswagen Golf, Nissan Qashqai and Ford Focus were all at risk.

Thieves are increasingly thought to be using technology to bypass entry systems on keyless cars.

But industry body the Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders (SMMT) said "new cars are more secure than ever".

Which? analysed data on keyless - or "relay" - attacks from the General German Automobile Club (ADAC), a roadside recovery organisation.

ADAC tested 237 keyless cars and found that all but three were susceptible.

The latest models of the Discovery and Range Rover, and the 2018 Jaguar i-Pace, all made by Jaguar Land Rover, were found to be secure.

Of the top-selling cars in the UK, only the Vauxhall Corsa was deemed safe because it is not available with keyless entry and ignition.

"Thieves have been using keyless theft for several years, but manufacturers continue to make new models that can be stolen in this way, meaning there is an ever-larger pool of vehicles for thieves to target," Which? said in a statement.

Read more on: Hundreds of popular cars ‘at risk of keyless theft’

Related Article: 97% of Cars Tested with Keyless Entry Are Vulnerable to Electronic Theft

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Cumming Lock Change Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC - At Cumming Locksmith, LLC we are proud of the fact that our skilled locksmith techs do such a good job of taking care of the locksmith needs of those in Cumming, Georgia.
When you only want the best possible residential locksmith services we are definitely the right locksmith service to call. That’s because our locksmiths are very talented when it comes to doing all sorts of home locksmith tasks. We can remaster your door keys, change the combination on your home safe and even replace your garage door keypad lock.

Here is a partial list of the many Cumming residential locksmith services we offer:
  • 24-Hour Residential Lock Repair
  • Window Lock Upgrades
  • Intercom Systems
  • High-Security Locks
  • Locks Remastered
  • Gun/Home Safes
  • Free estimates
  • Keys Made

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Friday, June 21, 2019

Cumming Commercial Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC

You are guaranteed to receive the best services in Cumming for all of your lock and key needs when you work with Cumming Locksmith, LLC. The following services listed are just some of the requests our locksmiths take 24-hours a day.

Commercial Locksmithing Services in Cumming, GA
-Access control locks
-Cabinet and desk locks
-Video surveillance
-Commercial safe installations
-Security systems
-Lock replacement
-Desk and cabinet locks

Cumming Locksmith, LLC does it all! Their locksmiths can take care of any lock and key problem you have just as soon as you call. In Cumming, GA you cannot pick a better locksmith. All of their trained locksmiths work to make sure all of their customers are satisfied with their repairs and lock installations. You will receive a free price quote and estimate for any work you request in addition to a free consultation! Pick up the phone and schedule your appointment now!
Watch on YouTube: Cumming Commercial Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC
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Friday, June 14, 2019

Cumming Residential Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC - Cumming Locksmith, LLC always has locksmith eager to serve your every locksmith need in Cumming, Georgia.

Your Cumming home can hardly be your well-protected castle if the locks found in it are not working properly. That’s why when you have a home lock installation, repair or maintenance job to be done you need the reputable residential locksmith services that we have to offer. There is no home locksmith need that we can’t help you out with.

Here are some examples of the different types of residential locksmith services we offer to our Cumming customers:
  • 24/7, 365 Emergency Home Locksmith Services
  • Lock Changes
  • Intercom Systems
  • Deadbolts Installation
  • High Security Locks
  • Key Extraction
  • Window Locks
  • Bump-Proof Locks
  • Gun Safes

Watch on YouTube: Cumming Residential Locksmith | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC
via Cumming Locksmith, LLC

Thursday, June 6, 2019

24/7 Locksmith Service in Cumming, Georgia | (770) 824-3934 | Cumming Locksmith, LLC - Cumming Locksmith LLC is the preferred and most widely used locksmith service in Cumming, GA. We offer you the following services, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week:

Residential Services: 

Broken Key Extractions 
Rekey Service 
Free Consultations 
Intercom Systems 
Lock Change 
Master Keys 
High Security Locks
Home Lockouts 
Re-Key Locks 
Gun Safes 
Home Safes
Deadbolts Installation 
Garage Door Locks